Multiobjective Optimization

LEAP supports multi-objective optimization via an implementation of [NSGA-II]. There are two ways of using this functionality – using a single function, leap_ec.mulitobjective.nsga2.generalized_nsga_2 , or by assembling a bespoke NSGA-II using pipeline operators. We will cover both approaches here.

Using generalized_nsga_2

leap_ec.mulitobjective.nsga2.generalized_nsga_2 is similar to other LEAP metaheuristic functions, such as generational_ea. It has arguments for specifying the maximum number of generations, population size, stopping criteria, problem representation, and others.

Note that by default a faster rank sorting algorithm is used [Burlacu], but if it is important to use the original NSGA-II rank sorting algorithm, then that can be provided by specifying leap_ec.mulitobjective.ops.fast_nondominated_sort for the rank_func argument.


 1from leap_ec.representation import Representation
 2from leap_ec.ops import random_selection, clone, evaluate, pool
 3from leap_ec.real_rep.initializers import create_real_vector
 4from leap_ec.real_rep.ops import mutate_gaussian
 5from leap_ec.multiobjective.nsga2 import generalized_nsga_2
 6from leap_ec.multiobjective.problems import SCHProblem
 7pop_size = 10
 8max_generations = 5
 9final_pop = generalized_nsga_2(
10    max_generations=max_generations, pop_size=pop_size,
12    problem=SCHProblem(),
14    representation=Representation(
15        initialize=create_real_vector(bounds=[(-10, 10)])
16    ),
18    pipeline=[
19        random_selection,
20        clone,
21        mutate_gaussian(std=0.5, expected_num_mutations=1),
22        evaluate,
23        pool(size=pop_size),
24    ]

The above code snippet shows how to set up NSGA-II for one of the benchmark multiobjective problems, SCHProblem. We specify the maximum number of generations, the population size, representation, and give a reproduction pipeline. The representation is a simple single valued gene, that we see on line 15 is initialized in the range of [-10,10].

The reproduction pipeline given on lines 18-24 is used to create the offspring for each generation. It is spliced into another pipeline so that the offspring created via this pipeline are then passed to the rank sorting and crowding distance functions. Then truncation selection based on rank and crowding distance is used to return the final set of offspring that then become the parents for the next generation.

Creating a tailored NSGA-II

However, it may be desirable to have fine-grained control over the NSGA-II implementation, maybe to more conveniently perform some necessary ancillary calculations during a run. In that case, the lower-level NSGA-II operators can be directly used in a full LEAP pipeline, as shown below.


 1# represenations have a convenience function for creating
 2# initial random population
 3parents = representation.create_population(int(config.ea.pop_size),
 4                                           problem=problem)
 6generation_counter = util.inc_generation(context=context)
 8# Scatter the initial parents to dask workers for evaluation
 9parents = synchronous.eval_population(parents, client=client)
11context['std'] = np.array([0.001,  # start_lr
12                           0.0001, # stop_lr
13                           0.0625, # rcut
14                           0.0625, # rcut smth
15                           0.0625, # training batch
16                           0.0625, # valid. batch
17                           0.0625, # scale by worker
18                           0.0625, # des activ func
19                           0.0625, # fitting activ func
20                           ])
23    while generation_counter.generation() < max_generations:
24        generation_counter()  # Increment to the next generation
26        offspring = pipe(parents,
27                         ops.random_selection,
28                         ops.clone,
29                         mutate_gaussian(
30                             std=context['std'],
31                             expected_num_mutations='isotropic', # zap all genes
32                             hard_bounds=DeepMDRepresentation.bounds),
33                         eval_pool(client=client, size=len(parents)),
34                         rank_ordinal_sort(parents=parents),
35                         crowding_distance_calc,
36                         ops.truncation_selection(size=len(parents),
37                                                  key=lambda x: (-x.rank,
38                                                                 x.distance)),
39                         )
41        parents = offspring  # Make offspring new parents for next generation
43        context['std'] *= .85

The above code demonstrates how to use the NSGA operators, rank_ordinal_sort and crowding_distance_calc, in a LEAP reproductive operator pipeline to do the rank sorting and crowding distance calculation on newly formed offspring. The truncation selection operator uses the rank and distances that are added as attributes to individuals as they pass through the pipeline by those operators.

Also shown is how to use Dask to perform parallel fitness evaluations. On line 9 the initial random population is scattered to preassigned Dask workers for evaluation. Line 33 performs a similar operation with newly created offspring.

And, finally, this shows how to add some ancillary computation, in this case updating a vector of standard deviations to be used with the Gaussian mutation operator. The vector is assigned to the LEAP global dictionary, context, on line 11, and is updated every generation on line 43. The mutation operator, itself, is on line 29. Although a special pipeline operator could have been made to do this same update to enable use of generalized_nsga_2 , it was cleaner to separate out this update outside the pipeline.

Representing multiple fitnesses

Normally a fitness is a real-valued scalar, but in the case of multiple objectives, LEAP uses a numpy array of floats for fitnesses, with each element of the array corresponding to one objective. Be mindful to not use a python tuple or list to hold fitnesses.

Another caveat if using DistributedIndividual is that class will assign NaNs as fitnesses if something should go wrong while evaluating an individual’s fitness. E.g., if optimizing a neural network architecture and exception is thrown during model training due to a hardware failure. This poses a problem for rank sorting since sorting floating point values with NaNs leads to undefined behavior. In which case it’s advisable to create a`DistributedIndividual` subclass that overrides this behavior and assigns, say, MAXINT or -MAXINT (as appropriate for maximizing or minimizing objectives) for fitnesses where there was a problem in performing the fitness evaluation.

Asynchronous steady-state multiobjective optimization

LEAP also supports a distributed asynchronous-steady state version of NSGA-II. This is useful for HPC clusters where it is desirable to have a large number of workers evaluating individuals in parallel. Moreover, this allows for minimizing worker idle time in that new offspring are allocated to workers that finished evaluating their previous individuals. This is in contrast to the traditional synchronous version of NSGA-II where all workers must finish evaluating their individuals before the next generation can be created; within an HPC context this would mean that some workers would be idle while waiting for others to finish, thus wasting computational resources. As with the other distributed support in LEAP, this functionality is implemented using Dask, and so a Dask client must be provided.

The asynchronous steady-state version of NSGA-II is implemented in leap_ec.multiobjective.asynchronous.steady_state_nsga_2(). An example of use is in the examples/distributed/multiobjective_async_distributed.ipynb notebook.



Deb, Kalyanmoy, Amrit Pratap, Sameer Agarwal, and T. A. M. T. Meyarivan. “A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II.” IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 6, no. 2 (2002): 182-197.


Bogdan Burlacu. 2022. “Rank-based Non-dominated Sorting”. arXiv. DOI: