leap_ec.int_rep package


leap_ec.int_rep.initializers module

Initializers for integer-valued genomes.


A closure for initializing lists of integers for int-vector genomes, sampled from a uniform distribution.

Having a closure allows us to just call the returned function N times in Individual.create_population().

TODO Allow either a single tuple or a sequence of tuples for bounds. —Siggy


bounds – a list of (min, max) values bounding the uniform sampline of each element


A function that, when called, generates a random genome.

>>> from leap_ec.decoder import IdentityDecoder
>>> from leap_ec.real_rep.problems import SpheroidProblem
>>> bounds = [(0, 1), (-5, 5), (-1, 100)]
>>> population = Individual.create_population(10, create_int_vector(bounds),
...                                           decoder=IdentityDecoder(),
...                                           problem=SpheroidProblem())

leap_ec.int_rep.ops module

Evolutionary operators for maniuplating integer-vector genomes.

leap_ec.int_rep.ops.genome_mutate_binomial(std='__no__default__', bounds: list = '__no__default__', expected_num_mutations: float = None, probability: float = None, n: int = 10000)

Perform additive binomial mutation of a particular genome.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> genome = np.array([42, 12])
>>> bounds = [(0,50), (-10,20)]
>>> genome_op = genome_mutate_binomial(std=0.5, bounds=bounds,
...                                         expected_num_mutations=1)
>>> new_genome = genome_op(genome)
leap_ec.int_rep.ops.individual_mutate_randint(genome='__no__default__', bounds: list = '__no__default__', expected_num_mutations=None, probability=None)

Perform random-integer mutation on a particular genome.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> genome = np.array([42, 12])
>>> bounds = [(0,50), (-10,20)]
>>> new_genome = individual_mutate_randint(genome, bounds, expected_num_mutations=1)
  • genome – test_sequence of integers to be mutated

  • bounds – test_sequence of bounds tuples; e.g., [(1,2),(3,4)]

  • expected_num_mutations – on average how many mutations done (specificy either this or probability, but not both)

  • probability – the probability of mutating any given gene (specificy either this or expected_num_mutations, but not both)

leap_ec.int_rep.ops.mutate_binomial(next_individual: Iterator = '__no__default__', std: float = '__no__default__', bounds: list = '__no__default__', expected_num_mutations: float = None, probability: float = None, n: int = 10000) Iterator

Mutate genes by adding an integer offset sampled from a binomial distribution centered on the current gene value.

This is very similar to applying additive Gaussian mutation and then rounding to the nearest integer, but does so in a way that is more natural for integer-valued genes.

  • std (float) – standard deviation of the binomial distribution

  • bounds – list of pairs of hard bounds to clip each gene by (to prevent mutation from carrying a gene value outside an allowed range)

  • expected_num_mutations – on average how many mutations done (specificy either this or probability, but not both)

  • probability – the probability of mutating any given gene (specificy either this or expected_num_mutations, but not both)

  • n (int) – the number of “coin flips” to use in the binomial process (defaults to 10000)

Usage example:

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.int_rep.ops import mutate_binomial
>>> import numpy as np
>>> population = iter([Individual(np.array([1, 1]))])
>>> operator = mutate_binomial(std=2.5,
...                            bounds=[(0, 10), (0, 10)],
...                            expected_num_mutations=1)
>>> mutated = next(operator(population))

The std parameter can also be given as a list with a value to use for each gene locus:

>>> population = iter([Individual(np.array([1, 1]))])
>>> operator = mutate_binomial(std=[2.5, 3.0],
...                            bounds=[(0, 10), (0, 10)],
...                            expected_num_mutations=1)
>>> mutated = next(operator(population))


The binomial distribution is defined by two parameters, n and p. Here we simplify the interface by asking instead for an std parameter, and fixing a high value of n by default. The value of p needed to obtain the given std is computed for you internally.

As the plots below illustrate, the binomial distribution is approximated by a Gaussian. For high n and large standard deviations, the two are effectively equivalent. But when the standard deviation (and thus binomial p parameter) is relatively small, the approximation becomes less accurate, and the binomial differs somewhat from a Gaussian.

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)

leap_ec.int_rep.ops.mutate_randint(next_individual: Iterator = '__no__default__', bounds='__no__default__', expected_num_mutations=None, probability=None) Iterator

Perform randint mutation on each individual in an iterator (population).

This operator replaces randomly selected genes with an integer samples from a uniform distribution.

  • bounds – test_sequence of bounds tuples; e.g., [(1,2),(3,4)]

  • expected_num_mutations – on average how many mutations done (specificy either this or probability, but not both)

  • probability – the probability of mutating any given gene (specificy either this or expected_num_mutations, but not both)

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.int_rep.ops import mutate_randint
>>> import numpy as np
>>> population = iter([Individual(np.array([1, 1]))])
>>> operator = mutate_randint(expected_num_mutations=1, bounds=[(0, 10), (0, 10)])
>>> mutated = next(operator(population))

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