leap_ec package



leap_ec.algorithm module

Provides convenient monolithic functions that wrap a lot of common function- ality.

  • generational_ea() for a typical generational model

  • multi_population_ea() for invoking an EA using sub-populations

  • random_search() for a more naive strategy

leap_ec.algorithm.generational_ea(max_generations: int, pop_size: int, problem, representation, pipeline, stop=<function <lambda>>, init_evaluate=<bound method Individual.evaluate_population of <class 'leap_ec.individual.Individual'>>, k_elites: int = 1, start_generation: int = 0, context={'leap': {'distrib': {'non_viable': 0}}})

This function provides an evolutionary algorithm with a generational population model.

When called this initializes and evaluates a population of size pop_size using the init_evaluate function and then pipes it through an operator pipeline (i.e. a list of operators) to obtain offspring. Wash, rinse, repeat.

The algorithm is provided here at the “metaheuristic” level: in order to apply it to a particular problem, you must parameterize it with implementations of its various components. You must decide the population size, how individuals are represented and initialized, the pipeline of reproductive operators, etc. A metaheuristic template of this kind can be used to implement genetic algorithms, genetic programming, certain evolution strategies, and all manner of other (novel) algorithms by passing in appropriate components as parameters.

  • max_generations (int) – The max number of generations to run the algorithm for. Can pass in float(‘Inf’) to run forever or until the stop condition is reached.

  • pop_size (int) – Size of the initial population

  • stop (int) – A function that accepts a population and returns True iff it’s time to stop evolving.

  • problem (Problem) – the Problem that should be used to evaluate individuals’ fitness

  • representation – How the problem is represented in individuals

  • pipeline (list) – a list of operators that are applied (in order) to create the offspring population at each generation

  • init_evaluate – a function used to evaluate the initial population, before the main pipeline is run. The default of Individual.evaluate_population is suitable for many cases, but you may wish to pass a different operator in for distributed evaluation or other purposes.

  • k_elites – keep k elites

  • start_generation – index of the first generation to count from (defaults to 0). You might want to change this, for example, in experiments that involve stopping and restarting an algorithm.


the final population

The intent behind this kind of EA interface is to allow the complete configuration of a basic evolutionary algorithm to be defined in a clean and readable way. If you define most of the components in-line when passing them to the named arguments, then the complete configuration of an algorithmic experiment forms one concise code block. Here’s what a basic (mu, lambda)-style EA looks like (that is, an EA that throws away the parents at each generation in favor of their offspring):

>>> from leap_ec import Individual, Representation
>>> from leap_ec.algorithm import generational_ea, stop_at_generation
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.initializers import create_binary_sequence
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.ops import mutate_bitflip
>>> import leap_ec.ops as ops
>>> pop_size = 5
>>> final_pop = generational_ea(max_generations=100, pop_size=pop_size,
...                      problem=MaxOnes(),      # Solve a MaxOnes Boolean optimization problem
...                      representation=Representation(
...                          initialize=create_binary_sequence(length=10)  # Initial genomes are random binary sequences
...                      ),
...                      # The operator pipeline
...                      pipeline=[
...                          ops.tournament_selection,                     # Select parents via tournament selection
...                          ops.clone,                          # Copy them (just to be safe)
...                          mutate_bitflip(expected_num_mutations=1),     # Basic mutation with a 1/L mutation rate
...                          ops.UniformCrossover(p_swap=0.4),  # Crossover with a 40% chance of swapping each gene
...                          ops.evaluate,                       # Evaluate fitness
...                          ops.pool(size=pop_size)             # Collect offspring into a new population
...                      ])

The algorithm runs immediately and returns the final population:

>>> print(*final_pop, sep='\n') 
Individual<...> ...
Individual<...> ...
Individual<...> ...
Individual<...> ...

You can get the best individual by using max (since comparison on individuals is based on the Problem associated with them, this will return the best individaul even on minimization problems):

>>> max(final_pop) 
leap_ec.algorithm.multi_population_ea(max_generations, num_populations, pop_size, problem, representation, shared_pipeline, subpop_pipelines=None, stop=<function <lambda>>, init_evaluate=<bound method Individual.evaluate_population of <class 'leap_ec.individual.Individual'>>, context={'leap': {'distrib': {'non_viable': 0}}})

An EA that maintains multiple (interacting) subpopulations, i.e. for implementing island models.

This effectively executes several EAs concurrently that share the same generation counter, and which share the same representation ( Individual, Decoder) and objective function (Problem), and which share all or part of the same operator pipeline.

  • max_generations (int) – The max number of generations to run the algorithm for. Can pass in float(‘Inf’) to run forever or until the stop condition is reached.

  • num_populations (int) – The number of separate populations to maintain.

  • pop_size (int) – Size of each initial subpopulation

  • stop (int) – A function that accepts a list of populations and returns True iff it’s time to stop evolving.

  • problem (Problem) – the Problem that should be used to evaluate individuals’ fitness

  • representation – the Representation that governs the creation and decoding of individuals. If a list of Representation objects is given, then different representations will be used for different subpopulations; else the same representation will be used for all subpopulations.

  • shared_pipeline (list) – a list of operators that every population will use to create the offspring population at each generation

  • subpop_pipelines (list) – a list of population-specific operator lists, the ith of which will only be applied to the ith population (after the shared_pipeline). Ignored if None.

  • init_evaluate – a function used to evaluate the initial population, before the main pipeline is run. The default of Individual.evaluate_population is suitable for many cases, but you may wish to pass a different operator in for distributed evaluation or other purposes.


a list of lists of each of the subpopulations.

To turn a multi-population EA into an island model, use the leap_ec.ops.migrate() operator in the shared pipeline. This operator takes a NetworkX graph describing the topology of connections between islands as input.

For example, here’s how we might define a fully connected 4-island model that solves a leap_ec.real_rep.problems.SchwefelProblem using a real-vector representation:

>>> import networkx as nx
>>> from leap_ec.algorithm import multi_population_ea
>>> from leap_ec import ops
>>> from leap_ec.real_rep.ops import mutate_gaussian
>>> from leap_ec.real_rep import problems
>>> from leap_ec.decoder import IdentityDecoder
>>> from leap_ec.representation import Representation
>>> from leap_ec.real_rep.initializers import create_real_vector
>>> topology = nx.complete_graph(4)
>>> nx.draw_networkx(topology, with_labels=True)
>>> problem = problems.SchwefelProblem(maximize=False)
>>> l = 2  # Length of the genome
>>> pop_size = 10
>>> pops = multi_population_ea(max_generations=10,
...                            num_populations=topology.number_of_nodes(),
...                            pop_size=pop_size,
...                            problem=problem,
...                            representation=Representation(
...                                individual_cls=Individual,
...                                decoder=IdentityDecoder(),
...                                initialize=create_real_vector(bounds=[problem.bounds] * l)
...                                ),
...                            shared_pipeline=[
...                                ops.tournament_selection,
...                                ops.clone,
...                                mutate_gaussian(std=30,
...                                                expected_num_mutations='isotropic',
...                                                bounds=problem.bounds),
...                                ops.evaluate,
...                                ops.pool(size=pop_size),
...                                ops.migrate(topology=topology,
...                                            emigrant_selector=ops.tournament_selection,
...                                            replacement_selector=ops.random_selection,
...                                            migration_gap=5)
...                            ])
>>> pops 
[[Individual<...>(...), ..., Individual<...>(...)], ..., [Individual<...>(...), ..., Individual<...>(...)]]

We can now run the algorithm by pulling output from its generator, which gives us the best individual in each population at each generation:

While each population is executing, multi_population_ea writes the index of the current subpopulation to context[‘leap’][ ‘subpopulation’]. That way shared operators (such as leap.ops.migrate()) have the option of accessing the share context to learn which subpopulation they are currently working with.

TODO find a way to use Dask to parallelize populations, likely by having a Dask worker for each sub-poplulation.

This function performs random search of a solution space using the given representation and problem.

Random search is often used as a control in evolutionary algorithm experiments: if your pet algorithm can’t perform better than random search, then it’s a sign that you’ve barked up the wrong tree!

This implementation also allows you to pass in an operator pipeline, which will be applied to each individual. The pipeline must have the following types of operators:

  • a selection operator, probably cyclic_selection since there will be only

    one individual from which to choose

  • clone operator to ensure we don’t overwrite the previous individual

  • a pertubation operator, likely a simple mutation pipeline operator

  • evaluate operator so we know where the new individual is in the space

  • pool(size=1) to act as a pipeline sink to pull the new individuals through

  • evaluations – how many evaluations to perform

  • problem – the Problem instance to use for evaluating individuals

  • representation – the Representation describing individuals

  • pipeline – reproductive operator pipeline

  • context – optional context for storing state as algorithm progresses


the series of individuals that describe a random walk

>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.initializers import create_binary_sequence
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.ops import mutate_bitflip
>>> from leap_ec.decoder import IdentityDecoder
>>> from leap_ec.representation import Representation
>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.ops import evaluate, clone, cyclic_selection, pool
>>> result = random_search(evaluations=5,
...                    problem=MaxOnes(),      # Solve a MaxOnes Boolean optimization problem
...                    representation=Representation(
...                        individual_cls=Individual,     # Use the standard Individual as the prototype for the population
...                        decoder=IdentityDecoder(),     # Genotype and phenotype are the same for this task
...                        initialize=create_binary_sequence(length=3)  # Initial genomes are random binary sequences
...                    ),
...                     pipeline=[cyclic_selection,
...                               clone,
...                               mutate_bitflip(expected_num_mutations=3),
...                               evaluate,
...                               pool(size=1)])
>>> assert(len(result) == 5)

The algorithm outputs a list containing all the generated individuals.

leap_ec.algorithm.stop_at_generation(max_generation: int, context={'leap': {'distrib': {'non_viable': 0}}})

A stopping criterion function that checks the ‘generation’ count in the context object and returns True iff it is >= max_generation.

The resulting function takes a population argument, which is ignored.

For example:

>>> from leap_ec import context
>>> stop = stop_at_generation(100)

If we set the generation field in the context object (this value will typically be updated by the algorithm as it runs) like so:

>>> context['leap']['generation'] = 15

Then we don’t stop yet:

>>> stop(population=[])

We do stop at the 100th generation:

>>> context['leap']['generation'] = 100
>>> stop([])

leap_ec.data module

A module for synthetic data that we use in test and examples.

leap_ec.decoder module

Defines the Decoder base class.

Decoders are used to translate from genotypic to phenotypic space. E.g., binary strings may have to be decoded into corresponding integers or real values meaningful to a Problem.

class leap_ec.decoder.Decoder

Bases: ABC

Decoders in LEAP implement how solutions to a problem are represented.

Specifically, a Decoder converts an Individual’s genotype (which is a format that can easily be manipulated by mutation and recombination operators) into a phenotype (which is a format that can be fed directly into a Problem object to obtain a fitness value).

Genotypes and phenotypes can be of arbitrary type, from a simple list of numbers to a complex data structure. Choosing a good genotypic representation and genotype-to-phenotype mapping for a given problem domain is a critical part of evolutionary algorithm design: the Decoder object that an algorithm uses can have a big impact on the effectiveness of your metaheuristics.

In LEAP, a Decoder is typically used by Individual as an intermediate step in calculating its own fitness.

For example, say that we want to use a binary-represented Individual to solve a real-valued optimization problem, such as SchwefelProblem. Here, the genotype is a vector of binary values, whereas the phenotype is its corresponding float vector.

We can use a BinaryToIntDecoder to express this mapping. And when we initialize an individual, we give it all three pieces of this information:

>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.decoders import BinaryToRealDecoder
>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.real_rep.problems import SchwefelProblem
>>> import numpy as np
>>> genome = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1])
>>> decoder = BinaryToRealDecoder((4, -5.12, 5.12), (4, -5.12, 5.12))  # Every 4 bits map to a float on (-5.12, 5.12)
>>> ind = Individual(genome, decoder=decoder, problem=SchwefelProblem())

Now we can decode the individual to examine its phenotype:

>>> ind.decode()
array([-1.024     ,  2.38933333])

This call is just a wrapper for the Decoder, which has the same output:

>>> decoder.decode(genome)
array([-1.024     ,  2.38933333])

But now Individual also has everything it needs to evaluate its own fitness:

>>> ind.evaluate()

Calling evaluate() also has the side effect of setting the fitness attribute:

>>> ind.fitness
abstract decode(genome, *args, **kwargs)

genome – a genome you wish to convert


the phenotype associated with that genome

class leap_ec.decoder.IdentityDecoder

Bases: Decoder

A decoder that maps a genome to itself. This acts as a ‘direct’ or ‘phenotypic’ encoding: Use this when your genotype and phenotype are the same thing.

decode(genome, *args, **kwargs)

the input genome.

For example:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> d = IdentityDecoder()
>>> d.decode(np.array([0.5, 0.6, 0.7]))
array([0.5, 0.6, 0.7])

leap_ec.global_vars module

This defines a global context that is a dictionary of dictionaries. The intent is for certain operators and functions to add to and modify this context. Third party operators and functions will just add a new top-level dedicated key.

context[‘leap’] is for storing general LEAP running state, such as current generation.

context[‘leap’][‘distrib’] is for storing leap.distrib running state

context[‘leap’][‘distrib’][‘non_viable’] accumulates counts of non-viable individuals during distrib.eval_pool() and distrib.async_eval_pool() runs.

leap_ec.individual module

Defines Individual

class leap_ec.individual.Individual(genome, decoder=IdentityDecoder(), problem=None)

Bases: object

Represents a single solution to a Problem.

We represent an Individual by a genome and a fitness. Individual also maintains a reference to the Problem it will be evaluated on, and an decoder, which defines how genomes are converted into phenomes for fitness evaluation.


Create a ‘clone’ of this Individual, copying the genome, but not fitness.

The fitness of the clone is set to None. A new UUID is generated and assigned to sefl.uuid. The parents set is updated to include the UUID of the parent. A shallow copy of the parent is made, too, so that ancillary state is also copied.

A deep copy of the genome will be created, so if your Individual has a custom genome type, it’s important that it implements the __deepcopy__() method.

>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> from leap_ec.decoder import IdentityDecoder
>>> import numpy as np
>>> genome = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0])
>>> ind = Individual(genome, IdentityDecoder(), MaxOnes())
>>> ind_copy = ind.clone()
>>> ind_copy.genome == ind.genome
array([ True,  True,  True,  True])
>>> ind_copy.problem == ind.problem
>>> ind_copy.decoder == ind.decoder
classmethod create_population(n, initialize, decoder, problem)

A convenience method for initializing a population of the appropriate subtype.

  • n – The size of the population to generate

  • initialize – A function f(m) that initializes a genome

  • decoder – The decoder to attach individuals to

  • problem – The problem to attach individuals to


A list of n individuals of this class’s (or subclass’s) type

decode(*args, **kwargs)

Determine the indivdual’s phenome.

This is done by passing the genome self.decoder.

The result is both returned and saved to self.phenome.


the decoded value for this individual


determine this individual’s fitness

This is done by outsourcing the fitness evaluation to the associated Problem object since it “knows” what is good or bad for a given phenome.

See also



the calculated fitness


This is the evaluate ‘implementation’ called by self.evaluate(). It’s intended to be optionally over-ridden by sub-classes to give an opportunity to pass in ancillary data to the evaluate process either by tailoring the problem interface or that of the given decoder.

classmethod evaluate_population(population)

Convenience function for bulk serial evaluation of a given population


population – to be evaluated


evaluated population

property phenome

If the phenome has not yet been decoded, do so.

class leap_ec.individual.RobustIndividual(genome, decoder=IdentityDecoder(), problem=None)

Bases: Individual

This adds exception handling for evaluations

After evaluation self.is_viable is set to True if all went well. However, if an exception is thrown during evaluation, the following happens:

  • self.is_viable is set to False

  • self.fitness is set to math.nan

  • self.exception is assigned the exception


determine this individual’s fitness

Note that if an exception is thrown during evaluation, the fitness is set to NaN and self.is_viable to False; also, the returned exception is assigned to self.exception for possible later inspection. If the individual was successfully evaluated, self.is_viable is set to true. NaN fitness values will figure into comparing individuals in that NaN will always be considered worse than non-NaN fitness values.


the calculated fitness

class leap_ec.individual.WholeEvaluatedIndividual(genome, decoder=IdentityDecoder(), problem=None)

Bases: Individual

An Individual that, when evaluated, passes its whole self to the evaluation function, rather than just its phenome.

In most applications, fitness evaluation requires only phenome information, so that is all that we pass from the Individual to the Problem. This is important, because during distributed evaluation, we want to pass as little information as possible across nodes.

WholeEvaluatedIndividual is used for special cases where fitness evaluation needs access to more information about an individual than its phenome. This is strange in most cases and should be avoided, but can make certain algorithms more elegant (ex. it’s helpful when interpreting cooperative coevolution as an island model).

This can dramatically slow down distributed evaluation (i.e. with dask) in some applications because the entire individual will be sent over a TCP/IP connection instead of just the phenome, so use with caution.


This is the evaluate ‘implementation’ called by self.evaluate(). It’s intended to be optionally over-ridden by sub-classes to give an opportunity to pass in ancillary data to the evaluate process either by tailoring the problem interface or that of the given decoder.

leap_ec.ops module

Fundamental evolutionary operators.

This module provides many of the most important functions that we string together to create EAs out of operator pipelines. You’ll find many traditional selection and reproduction strategies here, as well as components for classic algorithms like island models and cooperative coevolution.

Representation-specific operators tend to reside within their own subpackages, rather than here. See for example leap_ec.real_rep.ops and leap_ec.binary_rep.ops.

class leap_ec.ops.CooperativeEvaluate(num_trials: int, collaborator_selector, log_stream=None, combine=<function concat_combine>, context={'leap': {'distrib': {'non_viable': 0}}})

Bases: Operator

A simple, non-parallel implementation of cooperative coevolutionary fitness evaluation.

  • num_trials (int) – the number of combined solutions & fitness estimates to collect when computing a partial solution’s fitness.

  • collaborator_selector – a selection operator that we use to choose individuals from the other subpopulations to create a combined solution.

  • context – the algorithm’s state context. Used to access subpopulation information.

  • log_stream – optional file object to collect statistics about combined individuals to.

  • combine – the function used to combine partial solutions into combined solutions.

class leap_ec.ops.Crossover(persist_children, p_xover)

Bases: Operator

abstract recombine(parent_a, parent_b)

Perform recombination between two parents to produce two new individuals.

class leap_ec.ops.NAryCrossover(num_points=2, p_xover=1.0, persist_children=False)

Bases: Crossover

Do crossover between individuals between N crossover points.

1 < n < genome length - 1

We also assume that the passed in individuals are clones of parents.

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.ops import NAryCrossover
>>> import numpy as np
>>> genome1 = np.array([0, 0])
>>> genome2 = np.array([1, 1])
>>> first = Individual(genome1)
>>> second = Individual(genome2)
>>> pop = [first, second]
>>> select = naive_cyclic_selection(pop)
>>> op = NAryCrossover()
>>> result = op(select)
>>> new_first = next(result)
>>> new_second = next(result)

If persist_children is True and there is a child that was made by crossover but isn’t used in the first call, it will be yielded in a future call.

>>> op = NAryCrossover(p_xover=0.0, persist_children=True)
>>> next(op(select)) is first  # Create an iterator loop with op(select) and consume 1 individual
>>> next(op(select)) is second # Create a different iterator loop with op(select)

With persist_children set to False, the second child will not be yielded if the iterator is consumed an odd number of times. Instead, on the next call the loop is started anew.

>>> op = NAryCrossover(p_xover=0.0, persist_children=False)
>>> next(op(select)) is first  # Create an iterator loop with op(select) and consume 1 individual
>>> next(op(select)) is second # Create a different iterator loop with op(select)
  • num_points – how many crossing points do we use? Defaults to 2, since 2-point crossover has been shown to be the least disruptive choice for this value.

  • p – the probability that crossover is performed.

  • persist_children (bool) – whether unyielded children should persist between calls. This is useful for leap_ec.distrib.asynchronous.steady_state, where the pipeline may only produce one individual at a time.


a pipeline operator that returns two recombined individuals (with probability p), or two unmodified individuals (with probability 1 - p)

recombine(parent_a, parent_b)

Perform recombination between two parents to produce two new individuals.

class leap_ec.ops.Operator

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class that documents the interface for operators in a LEAP pipeline.

LEAP treats operators as functions of two arguments: the population, and a “context” dict that may be used in some algorithms to maintain some global state or parameters independent of the population.

TODO The above description is outdated. –Siggy TODO Also this is for a population based operator. We also have operators for individuals

You can inherit from this class to define operators as classes. Classes support operators that take extra arguments at construction time (such as a mutation rate) and maintain some internal private state, and they allow certain special patterns (such as multi-function operators).

But inheriting from this class is optional. LEAP can treat any callable object that takes two parameters as an operator. You may define your custom operators as closures (which also allow for construction-time arguments and internal state), as simple functions ( when no additional arguments are necessary), or as curried functions ( i.e. with the help of toolz.curry(…).

class leap_ec.ops.UniformCrossover(p_swap: float = 0.2, p_xover: float = 1.0, persist_children=False)

Bases: Crossover

Parameterized uniform crossover iterates through two parents’ genomes and swaps each of their genes with the given probability.

In a classic paper, De Jong and Spears showed that this operator works particularly well when the swap probability p_swap is set to about 0.2. LEAP thus uses this value as its default.

De Jong, Kenneth A., and W. Spears. “On the virtues of parameterized uniform crossover.” Proceedings of the 4th international conference on genetic algorithms. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1991.

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.ops import UniformCrossover, naive_cyclic_selection
>>> import numpy as np
>>> genome1 = np.array([0, 0])
>>> genome2 = np.array([1, 1])
>>> first = Individual(genome1)
>>> second = Individual(genome2)
>>> pop = [first, second]
>>> select = naive_cyclic_selection(pop)
>>> op = UniformCrossover()
>>> result = op(select)
>>> new_first = next(result)
>>> new_second = next(result)

The probability can be tuned via the p_swap parameter: >>> op = UniformCrossover(p_swap=0.1) >>> result = op(select)

If persist_children is True and there is a child that was made by crossover but isn’t used in the first call, it will be yielded in a future call.

>>> op = UniformCrossover(p_xover=0.0, persist_children=True)
>>> next(op(select)) is first  # Create an iterator loop with op(select) and consume 1 individual
>>> next(op(select)) is second # Create a different iterator loop with op(select)

With persist_children set to False, the second child will not be yielded if the iterator is consumed an odd number of times. Instead, on the next call the loop is started anew.

>>> op = UniformCrossover(p_xover=0.0, persist_children=False)
>>> next(op(select)) is first  # Create an iterator loop with op(select) and consume 1 individual
>>> next(op(select)) is second # Create a different iterator loop with op(select)
  • p_swap – how likely are we to swap each pair of genes when crossover is performed

  • p_xover (float) – the probability that crossover is performed in the first place

  • persist_children (bool) – whether unyielded children should persist between calls. This is useful for leap_ec.distrib.asynchronous.steady_state, where the pipeline may only produce one individual at a time.


a pipeline operator that returns two recombined individuals (with probability p_xover), or two unmodified individuals (with probability 1 - p_xover)

recombine(parent_a, parent_b)

Perform recombination between two parents to produce two new individuals.

leap_ec.ops.clone(next_individual: Iterator = '__no__default__') Iterator

clones and returns the next individual in the pipeline

The clone’s fitness is set to None, its parents are set to the individual from which it was cloned (i.e., the parent), and it is assigned its own UUID.

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> import numpy as np

Create a common decoder and problem for individuals.

>>> genome = np.array([1, 1])
>>> original = Individual(genome)
>>> cloned_generator = clone(iter([original]))

next_individual – iterator for next individual to be cloned


copy of next_individual

leap_ec.ops.compute_expected_probability(expected_num_mutations: float, individual_genome: List) float

Computed the probability of mutation based on the desired average expected mutation and genome length.

The equation here is \(p = 1/L * \texttt{expected_num_mutations}\). To see why this is correct, note that the number of mutations performed is characterized by a binomial distribution with \(n=L\) trials (one weighted “coin flip” per gene), and that the mean (expected_num_mutations) of a binomial distribution is given by \(n*p = expected_num_mutations\).

  • expected_num_mutations – times individual is to be mutated on average

  • individual_genome – genome for which to compute the probability


the corresponding probability of mutation

leap_ec.ops.compute_population_values(population: ~typing.List, offset=0, exponent: int = 1, key=<function <lambda>>) ndarray

Returns a list of values where the zero-point of the population is shifted and the values are scaled by exponentiation.

  • population – the population to compute values from.

  • offset – the offset from zero. Specifying offset=’pop-min’ will use the population’s minimum value as the new zero-point. Defaults to 0.

  • exponent (int) – the power to which values are raised to. Defaults to 1.

  • key – a function that computes a metric based on an Individual.


a numpy array of values that have been shifted by offset and scaled by exponent corresponding to each individual in the population.


Combine a list of individuals by concatenating their genomes.

You can choose whether this or some other function is used for combining collaborators by passing it into the CooperativeEvaluate constructor.

leap_ec.ops.const_evaluate(population: List = '__no__default__', value='__no__default__') List

An evaluator that assigns a constant fitness to every individual.

This ignores the Problem associated with each individual for the purpose of assigning a constant fitness.

This is useful for algorithms that need to assign an arbitrary initial fitness value before using their normal evaluation method. Some forms of cooperative coevolution are an example.

leap_ec.ops.cyclic_selection(population: List = '__no__default__') Iterator

Deterministically returns individuals in order, then shuffles the test_sequence, returns the individuals in that new order, and repeats this process.

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.ops import cyclic_selection
>>> import numpy as np
>>> pop = [Individual(np.array([0, 0])),
...        Individual(np.array([0, 1]))]
>>> cyclic_selector = cyclic_selection(pop)

population – from which to select


the next selected individual

leap_ec.ops.elitist_survival(offspring: List = '__no__default__', parents: List = '__no__default__', k: int = 1, key=None) List

This allows k best parents to compete with the offspring.

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> import numpy as np

First, let’s make a “pretend” population of parents using the MaxOnes problem.

>>> pretend_parents = [Individual(np.array([0, 0, 0]), problem=MaxOnes()),
...                    Individual(np.array([1, 1, 1]), problem=MaxOnes())]

Then a “pretend” population of offspring. (Pretend in that we’re pretending that the offspring came from the parents.)

>>> pretend_offspring = [Individual(np.array([0, 0, 0]), problem=MaxOnes()),
...                      Individual(np.array([1, 1, 0]), problem=MaxOnes()),
...                      Individual(np.array([1, 0, 1]), problem=MaxOnes()),
...                      Individual(np.array([0, 1, 1]), problem=MaxOnes()),
...                      Individual(np.array([0, 0, 1]), problem=MaxOnes())]

We need to evaluate them to get their fitness to sort them for elitist_survival.

>>> pretend_parents = Individual.evaluate_population(pretend_parents)
>>> pretend_offspring = Individual.evaluate_population(pretend_offspring)

This will take the best parent, which has [1,1,1], and replace the worst offspring, which has [0,0,0] (because this is the MaxOnes problem) >>> survivors = elitist_survival(pretend_offspring, pretend_parents)

>>> assert pretend_parents[1] in survivors # yep, best parent is there
>>> assert pretend_offspring[0] not in survivors # worst guy isn't

We orginally ordered 5 offspring, so that’s what we better have. >>> assert len(survivors) == 5

Please note that the literature has a number of variations of elitism and other forms of overlapping generations. For example, this may be a good starting point:

De Jong, Kenneth A., and Jayshree Sarma. “Generation gaps revisited.” In Foundations of genetic algorithms, vol. 2, pp. 19-28. Elsevier, 1993.

  • offspring – list of created offpring, probably from pool()

  • parents – list of parents, usually the ones that offspring came from

  • k – how many elites from parents to keep?

  • key – optional key criteria for selecting; e.g., can be used to impose parsimony pressure


surviving population, which will be offspring with offspring replaced by any superior parent elites

leap_ec.ops.evaluate(next_individual: Iterator = '__no__default__') Iterator

Evaluate and returns the next individual in the pipeline

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.decoder import IdentityDecoder
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> import numpy as np

We need to specify the decoder and problem so that evaluation is possible.

>>> genome = np.array([1, 1])
>>> ind = Individual(genome, decoder=IdentityDecoder(), problem=MaxOnes())
>>> evaluated_ind = next(evaluate(iter([ind])))
  • next_individual – iterator pointing to next individual to be evaluated

  • kwargs – contains optional context state to pass down the pipeline in context dictionaries


the evaluated individual

leap_ec.ops.grouped_evaluate(population: list = '__no__default__', max_individuals_per_chunk: int = None) list

Evaluate the population by sending groups of multiple individuals to a fitness function so they can be evaluated simultaneously.

This is useful, for example, as a way to evaluate individuals in parallel on a GPU.

leap_ec.ops.insertion_selection(offspring: List = '__no__default__', parents: List = '__no__default__', key=None) List

do exclusive selection between offspring and parents

This is typically used for Ken De Jong’s EV algorithm for survival selection. Each offspring is deterministically selected and a random parent is selected; if the offspring wins, then it replaces the parent.

Note that we make a _copy_ of the parents and have the offspring compete with the parent copies so that users can optionally preserve the original parents. You may wish to do that, for example, if you want to analyze the composition of the original parents and the modified copy.

  • offspring – population to select from

  • parents – parents that are copied and which the copies are potentially updated with better offspring

  • key – optional key for determining max() by other criteria such as for parsimony pressure


the updated parent population


This decorator wraps a function with runtime type checking to ensure that it always receives an iterator as its first argument, and that it returns an iterator.

We use this to make debugging operator pipelines easier in EAs: if you accidentally hook up, say an operator that outputs a list to an operator that expects an iterator, we’ll throw an exception that pinpoints the issue.


function (f) – the function to wrap


This decorator wraps a function with runtime type checking to ensure that it always receives an iterator as its first argument, and that it returns a list.

We use this to make debugging operator pipelines easier in EAs: if you accidentally hook up, say an operator that outputs a list to an operator that expects an iterator, we’ll throw an exception that pinpoints the issue.


function (f) – the function to wrap


This decorator wraps a function with runtime type checking to ensure that it always receives a list as its first argument, and that it returns an iterator.

We use this to make debugging operator pipelines easier in EAs: if you accidentally hook up, say an operator that outputs an iterator to an operator that expects a list, we’ll throw an exception that pinpoints the issue.


function (f) – the function to wrap


This decorator wraps a function with runtime type checking to ensure that it always receives a list as its first argument, and that it returns a list.

We use this to make debugging operator pipelines easier in EAs: if you accidentally hook up, say an operator that outputs an iterator to an operator that expects a list, we’ll throw an exception that pinpoints the issue.


function (f) – the function to wrap

leap_ec.ops.migrate(topology, emigrant_selector, replacement_selector, migration_gap, customs_stamp=<function <lambda>>, metric=None, context={'leap': {'distrib': {'non_viable': 0}}})

A migration operator for use in island models.

This operator works with multi-population algorithms, and is thus meant to used with leap_ec.algorithm.multi_population_ea.

Specifically, it assumes that

  1. the population argument passed into the returned function is a particular sub-population that we want to process “emigration” out of and “immigration” into,

  2. the context state object contains an integer field context[‘leap’][‘generation’] indicating the current generation count of the algorithm, and

  3. the context also contains a integer field context[‘leap’][‘current_subpopulation’] indicating the index of the subpopulation that is currently being processed in the overall collection of subpopulations (i.e. the one that population belongs to).

These assumptions are essentially what leap_ec.algorithm.multi_population_ea implements.

>>> import networkx as nx
>>> from leap_ec import ops, context
>>> from leap_ec.data import test_population
>>> pop0 = test_population[:]  # Shallow copy
>>> pop1 = test_population[:]
>>> op = migrate(topology=nx.complete_graph(2),
...              emigrant_selector=ops.tournament_selection,
...              replacement_selector=ops.random_selection,
...              migration_gap=50)
>>> context['leap']['generation'] = 0
>>> context['leap']['current_subpopulation'] = 0
>>> op(pop0)
[Individual<...>(...), Individual<...>(...), Individual<...>(...), Individual<...>(...)]
>>> context['leap']['current_subpopulation'] = 1
>>> op(pop1)
[Individual<...>(...), Individual<...>(...), Individual<...>(...), Individual<...>(...)]

This operator is a stateful closure: it maintains an internal list of all the out-going “emigrations” that occurred in the previous time step, so that it can process them as “immigrations” in the current time step.

  • topology – a networkx topology defining the connectivity among islands

  • emigrant_selector – a selection operator for choosing individuals to leave an island

  • replacement_selector – a selection operator choosing contestants that will be replaced by an incoming immigrant if the immigrant has higher fitness

  • migration_gap (int) – migration will occur regularly after every migration_gap evolutionary steps

  • customs_stamp – an optional function to transfrom an individual upon its arrival to a new island. This can be used, for example, to change the individual’s decoder or problem in a heterogeneous island model.

  • metric – an optional function of the form f(generation, immigrant_individual, contestant_indidivudal, success) for recording information about migration events.

  • context – the context object to check for EA state, such as the current generation number, and the ID of the subpopulation that is currently being processed.

leap_ec.ops.migration_metric(stream, header: bool = True, notes: Optional[dict] = None)

Returns a function that can be used to record migration events.

The purpose of a migration metric is to record information about migrations that occur inside a migration operator. Because these events take place inside the operator (rather than across operators), they cannot be recorded by a LEAP pipeline probe.

In general, the interface for a migration metric function takes four parameters:

  • generation: the current generation

  • immigrant_ind: the individual that is attempting to migrate

  • contestant_ind: the individual that has been chosen to be replaced

  • success: True if the migration is successful, False otherwise

The metric included here records the fitness of both individuals and writes them (along with the generation and success values) to a CSV. You can write your own metric if you need to record other information (such as, say, genomes).

>>> import sys
>>> from leap_ec import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> m = migration_metric(sys.stdout,
...                      header=True,
...                      notes={'run': 0, 'description': 'Test output'}
... )
>>> ind1 = Individual(np.array([1, 1, 1]), problem=MaxOnes())
>>> f = ind1.evaluate()
>>> contestant = Individual(np.array([0, 1, 1]), problem=MaxOnes())
>>> f = contestant.evaluate()
>>> m(0, ind1, contestant, True)
0,Test output,0,3,2,True
  • stream – file object to write the CSV data to

  • header (bool) – a CSV header will be written if True

  • notes (dict) – a dict specifying additional constant-value columns to include in the CSV output

leap_ec.ops.naive_cyclic_selection(population: List = '__no__default__', indices: List = None) Iterator

Deterministically returns individuals, and repeats the same test_sequence when exhausted.

This is “naive” because it doesn’t shuffle the population between complete tours to minimize bias.

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.ops import naive_cyclic_selection
>>> import numpy as np
>>> pop = [Individual(np.array([0, 0])),
...        Individual(np.array([0, 1]))]
>>> cyclic_selector = naive_cyclic_selection(pop)

population – from which to select


the next selected individual

leap_ec.ops.pool(next_individual: Iterator = '__no__default__', size: int = '__no__default__') List

‘Sink’ for creating size individuals from preceding pipeline source.

Allows for “pooling” individuals to be processed by next pipeline operator. Typically used to collect offspring from preceding set of selection and birth operators, but could also be used to, say, “pool” individuals to be passed to an EDA as a training set.

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.ops import naive_cyclic_selection
>>> import numpy as np
>>> pop = [Individual(np.array([0, 0])),
...        Individual(np.array([0, 1]))]
>>> cyclic_selector = naive_cyclic_selection(pop)
>>> pool = pool(cyclic_selector, 3)

print(pool) [Individual([0, 0], None, None), Individual([0, 1], None, None), Individual([0, 0], None, None)]

  • next_individual – generator for getting the next offspring

  • size – how many kids we want


population of size offspring

leap_ec.ops.proportional_selection(population: ~typing.List = '__no__default__', offset=0, exponent: int = 1, key=<function <lambda>>) Iterator

Returns an individual from a population in direct proportion to their fitness or another given metric.

To deal with negative fitness values use offset=’pop-min’ or set a custom offset. A ValueError is thrown if the result of adding offset to a fitness value results in a negative number. The value of an individual is calculated as follows

value = (fitness + offset)^exponent

  • population – the population to select from. Should be a list, not an iterator.

  • offset – the offset from zero. If negative fitness values are possible and the minimum is unknown use offest=’pop-min’ for an adaptive offset. Defaults to 0.

  • exponent (int) – the power to which fitness values are raised to. This can be tuned to increase or decrease selection pressure by creating larger or smaller differences between fitness values in the population. Defaults to 1.

  • key – a function that computes the metric used to compare individuals. Defaults to fitness.


a random individual based on the proportion of the given metric in the population.

>>> from leap_ec import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> from leap_ec.ops import proportional_selection
>>> import numpy as np
>>> genome1 = np.array([0, 0, 0])
>>> genome2 = np.array([0, 0, 1])
>>> pop = [Individual(genome1, problem=MaxOnes()),
...        Individual(genome2, problem=MaxOnes())]
>>> pop = Individual.evaluate_population(pop)
>>> selected = proportional_selection(pop)
leap_ec.ops.random_bernoulli_vector(shape: Union[int, Tuple], p: float = 0.5) ndarray

Generates a random vector of Boolean balues from a Bernoulli process—that is, from a sequence of weighted coin flips.

We use this function throughout LEAP because its implementation was found to be much faster than, say, just calling np.random.choice([0, 1]).

>>> from leap_ec.ops import random_bernoulli_vector
>>> random_bernoulli_vector(5, p=0.4)
array([..., ..., ..., ..., ...])
  • shape – shape of the random vector—can be an integer or a tuple.

  • p – success probability of the bernoulli trials.


boolean numpy array

leap_ec.ops.random_selection(population: List = '__no__default__', indices=None) Iterator

return a uniformly randomly selected individual from the population


population – from which to select


a uniformly selected individual

leap_ec.ops.sus_selection(population: ~typing.List = '__no__default__', n=None, shuffle: bool = True, offset=0, exponent: int = 1, key=<function <lambda>>) Iterator

Returns an individual from a population in proportion to their fitness or another given metric using the stochastic universal sampling algorithm.

To deal with negative fitness values use offset=’pop-min’ or set a custom offset. A ValueError is thrown if the result of adding offset to a fitness value results in a negative number. The value of an individual is calculated as follows

value = (fitness + offset)^exponent

  • population – the population to select from. Should be a list, not an iterator.

  • n – the number of evenly spaced points to use in the algorithm. Default is None which uses len(population).

  • shuffle (bool) – if True, n points are resampled after one full pass over them. If False, selection repeats over the same n points. Defaults to True.

  • offset – the offset from zero. If negative fitness values are possible and the minimum is unknown use offset=’pop-min’ for an adaptive offset. Defaults to 0.

  • exponent (int) – the power to which fitness values are raised to. This can be tuned to increase or decrease selection pressure by creating larger or smaller differences between fitness values in the population. Defaults to 1.

  • key – a function that computes the metric used to compare individuals. Defaults to fitness.


a random individual based on the proportion of the given metric in the population.

>>> from leap_ec import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> from leap_ec.ops import sus_selection
>>> import numpy as np
>>> genome1 = np.array([0, 0, 0])
>>> genome2 = np.array([1, 1, 1])
>>> pop = [Individual(genome1, problem=MaxOnes()),
...        Individual(genome2, problem=MaxOnes())]
>>> pop = Individual.evaluate_population(pop)
>>> selected = sus_selection(pop)
leap_ec.ops.tournament_selection(population: list = '__no__default__', k: int = 2, key=None, select_worst: bool = False, indices=None) Iterator

Returns an operator that selects the best individual from k individuals randomly selected from the given population.

Like other selection operators, this assumes that if one individual is “greater than” another, then it is “better than” the other. Whether this indicates maximization or minimization isn’t handled here: the Individual class determines the semantics of its “greater than” operator.

  • population – the population to select from. Should be a list, not an iterator.

  • k (int) – number of contestants in the tournament. k=2 does binary tournament selection, which approximates linear ranking selection in the expectation. Higher values of k yield greedier selection strategies—k=3, for instance, is equal to quadratic ranking selection in the expectation.

  • key – an optional function that computes keys to sort over. Defaults to None, in which case Individuals are compared directly.

  • select_worst (bool) – if True, select the worst individual from the tournament instead of the best.

  • indices (list) – an optional list that will be populated with the index of the selected individual.


the best of k individuals drawn from population

>>> from leap_ec import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> from leap_ec.ops import tournament_selection
>>> import numpy as np
>>> pop = [Individual(np.array([0, 0, 0]), problem=MaxOnes()),
...        Individual(np.array([0, 0, 1]), problem=MaxOnes())]
>>> pop = Individual.evaluate_population(pop)
>>> best = tournament_selection(pop)
leap_ec.ops.truncation_selection(offspring: List = '__no__default__', size: int = '__no__default__', parents: List = None, key=None) List

return the size best individuals from the given population

This defaults to (mu, lambda) if parents is not given.

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> from leap_ec.ops import truncation_selection
>>> import numpy as np
>>> pop = [Individual(np.array([0, 0, 0]), problem=MaxOnes()),
...        Individual(np.array([0, 0, 1]), problem=MaxOnes()),
...        Individual(np.array([1, 1, 0]), problem=MaxOnes()),
...        Individual(np.array([1, 1, 1]), problem=MaxOnes())]

We need to evaluate them to get their fitness to sort them for truncation.

>>> pop = Individual.evaluate_population(pop)
>>> truncated = truncation_selection(pop, 2)

TODO Do we want an optional context to over-ride the ‘parents’ parameter?

  • offspring – offspring to truncate down to a smaller population

  • size – is what to resize population to

  • second_population – is optional parent population to include with population for downsizing


truncated population

leap_ec.parsimony module

Parsimony pressure functions.

These are intended to be used as key parameters for selection operators.

Provided are Koza-style parsimony pressure and lexicographic parsimony key functions.

leap_ec.parsimony.koza_parsimony(ind='__no__default__', *, penalty='__no__default__')

Penalize fitness by genome length times a constant, in the style of Koza [Koz92].

>>> import toolz
>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.decoder import IdentityDecoder
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> import leap_ec.ops as ops
>>> import numpy as np
>>> problem = MaxOnes()
>>> pop = [Individual(np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]), problem=problem),
...        Individual(np.array([0, 0]), problem=problem),
...        Individual(np.array([1, 1]), problem=problem),
...        Individual(np.array([1, 1, 1]), problem=problem)]
>>> pop = Individual.evaluate_population(pop)
>>> best, = ops.truncation_selection(pop, size=1)
>>> print(best.genome, best.fitness)
[0 0 0 1 1 1] 3
>>> best, = ops.truncation_selection(pop, size=1, key=koza_parsimony(penalty=.5))
>>> print(best.genome, best.fitness)
[1 1 1] 3
\[f_p(x) = f(x) - cl(x)\]

Where f(x) is original fitness, c is a penalty constant, and l(x) is the genome length.

  • ind – to be compared

  • penalty – for denoting penalty strength


altered comparison criteria


If two fitnesses are the same, break the tie with the smallest genome

This implements Lexicographical Parsimony Pressure [LP02], which is essentially where if the fitnesses of two individuals are close, then break the tie with the smallest genome.

>>> import toolz
>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes
>>> import leap_ec.ops as ops
>>> import numpy as np
>>> problem = MaxOnes()
>>> pop = [Individual(np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]), problem=problem),
...        Individual(np.array([0, 0]), problem=problem),
...        Individual(np.array([1, 1]), problem=problem),
...        Individual(np.array([1, 1, 1]), problem=problem)]
>>> pop = Individual.evaluate_population(pop)
>>> best, = ops.truncation_selection(pop, size=1)
>>> print(best.genome, best.fitness)
[0 0 0 1 1 1] 3
>>> best, = ops.truncation_selection(pop, size=1, key=lexical_parsimony)
>>> print(best.genome, best.fitness)
[1 1 1] 3

ind – to be compared


altered comparison criteria

leap_ec.probe module

leap_ec.problem module

Defines the abstract-base classes Problem, ScalarProblem, and FunctionProblem.

class leap_ec.problem.AlternatingProblem(problems, modulo, context={'leap': {'distrib': {'non_viable': 0}}})

Bases: Problem

equivalent(first_fitness, second_fitness)

Evaluate the given phenome.

Practitioners must over-ride this member function.

Note that by default the individual comparison operators assume a maximization problem; if this is a minimization problem, then just negate the value when returning the fitness.


phenome – the phenome to evaluate (this will not be modified)


the fitness value

worse_than(first_fitness, second_fitness)
class leap_ec.problem.AverageFitnessProblem(wrapped_problem, n: int)

Bases: Problem

Problem wrapper that copies each genome n times, evaluates them, and averages the results back together to produce a mean-fitness estimate.

This is a common strategy for approaching noisy fitness functions, to make it easier for an optimization algorithm to follow a gradient.

>>> from leap_ec.real_rep.problems import NoisyQuarticProblem
>>> p = AverageFitnessProblem(
...                 wrapped_problem = NoisyQuarticProblem(),
...                 n = 20)
>>> x = [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
>>> y = p.evaluate(x)
>>> print(f"Fitness: {y}")  # The mean of this will be approximately 10
Fitness: ...
equivalent(first_fitness, second_fitness)

Evaluates the wrapped function n times sequentially and returns the mean.

evaluate_multiple(phenomes: list)

Evaluate a collections of phenomes by creating n jobs for each phenome, sending all the jobs to the wrapped evaluate_multiple() function, and then averaging the n results for each phenome into a list of results.

worse_than(first_fitness, second_fitness)
class leap_ec.problem.ConstantProblem(maximize=False, c=1.0)

Bases: ScalarProblem

A flat landscape, where all phenotypes have the same fitness.

This is sometimes useful for sanity checks or as a control in certain kinds of research.

\[f(\vec{x}) = c\]

c (float) – the fitness value to return for any input.

from leap_ec.problem import ConstantProblem
from leap_ec.real_rep.problems import plot_2d_problem
bounds = ConstantProblem.bounds
plot_2d_problem(ConstantProblem(), xlim=bounds, ylim=bounds, granularity=0.025)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)

bounds = (-1.0, 1.0)
evaluate(phenome, *args, **kwargs)

Return a contant value for any input phenome:

>>> phenome = [0.5, 0.8, 1.5]
>>> ConstantProblem().evaluate(phenome)
>>> ConstantProblem(c=500.0).evaluate('foo bar')

phenome – phenome to be evaluated


1.0, or the constant defined in the constructor

class leap_ec.problem.CooperativeProblem(wrapped_problem, num_trials: int, collaborator_selector, combined_decoder: ~leap_ec.decoder.Decoder = IdentityDecoder(), log_stream=None, combine_genomes=<function CooperativeProblem.<lambda>>, context={'leap': {'distrib': {'non_viable': 0}}})

Bases: Problem

A Problem that implements cooperative coevolution. This provides a fitness function that takes partial solutions as input (i.e. from one of the subpopulations of the cooperative algorithm), and evaluates their fitness by combining them with other individuals in the population.

You can think of a CooperativeProblem as defining a fitness function for a subpopulation in a multi-population model, where the fitness function that is computed is itself a function of the state of the other subpopulations:


mbox{fitness} = f_{p_i}(vec{mathbf{x}}, mathcal{P} \ p_i)

This class works by wrapping another fitness function, which is defined over complete solutions, and by taking a selection operator (which is used to select “collaborators” from other subpopulations to form complete solutions):

>>> from leap_ec import ops
>>> from leap_ec.real_rep.problems import SpheroidProblem
>>> complete_problem = SpheroidProblem()
>>> problem = CooperativeProblem(
...             wrapped_problem = SpheroidProblem(),
...             num_trials = 3,
...             collaborator_selector = ops.random_selection)
equivalent(first_fitness, second_fitness)
evaluate(phenome, *args, **kwargs)

Evaluate the given phenome.

Practitioners must over-ride this member function.

Note that by default the individual comparison operators assume a maximization problem; if this is a minimization problem, then just negate the value when returning the fitness.


phenome – the phenome to evaluate (this will not be modified)


the fitness value

evaluate_multiple(phenomes, individuals)

Evaluate multiple phenomes all at once, returning a list of fitness values.

By default this just calls self.evaluate() multiple times. Override this if you need to, say, send a group of individuals off to parallel

worse_than(first_fitness, second_fitness)
class leap_ec.problem.ExternalProcessProblem(command: str, maximize: bool, args: Optional[list] = None)

Bases: ScalarProblem

Evaluate individuals by launching an external program, writing phenomes to its stdin as CSV rows, and reading back fitness values from its stdout.

Assumes that individuals are represented with list phenomes with elements that can be cast to strings.


Evaluate the given phenome.

Practitioners must over-ride this member function.

Note that by default the individual comparison operators assume a maximization problem; if this is a minimization problem, then just negate the value when returning the fitness.


phenome – the phenome to evaluate (this will not be modified)


the fitness value

evaluate_multiple(phenomes, *args, **kwargs)

Evaluate multiple phenomes all at once, returning a list of fitness values.

By default this just calls self.evaluate() multiple times. Override this if you need to, say, send a group of individuals off to parallel

class leap_ec.problem.FitnessOffsetProblem(problem, fitness_offset, maximize=None)

Bases: ScalarProblem

Takes an existing function and adds a constant value to it output.

\[f'(\mathbf{x}) = f(\mathbf{x}) + c\]
  • problem – the original problem to wrape

  • fitness_offset (float) – the scalar constant to add


Evaluates the phenome’s fitness in the wrapped function, then adds the constant.

For example, here the original fitness function returns 5.0, but we subtract 3.5 from it so that it yields 1.5.

>>> original = ConstantProblem(c=5.0)
>>> problem = FitnessOffsetProblem(original, fitness_offset=-3.5)
>>> problem.evaluate([0, 1, 2])
class leap_ec.problem.FunctionProblem(fitness_function, maximize)

Bases: ScalarProblem

A convenience wrapper that takes a vanilla function that returns scalar fitness values and makes it usable as an objective function.

evaluate(phenome, *args, **kwargs)

Evaluate the given phenome.

Practitioners must over-ride this member function.

Note that by default the individual comparison operators assume a maximization problem; if this is a minimization problem, then just negate the value when returning the fitness.


phenome – the phenome to evaluate (this will not be modified)


the fitness value

class leap_ec.problem.Problem

Bases: ABC

Abstract Base Class used to define problem definitions.

A Problem is in charge of two major parts of an EA’s behavior:

  1. Fitness evaluation (the evaluate() method)

  2. Fitness comparision (the worse_than() and equivalent() methods)

abstract equivalent(first_fitness, second_fitness)
abstract evaluate(phenome, *args, **kwargs)

Evaluate the given phenome.

Practitioners must over-ride this member function.

Note that by default the individual comparison operators assume a maximization problem; if this is a minimization problem, then just negate the value when returning the fitness.


phenome – the phenome to evaluate (this will not be modified)


the fitness value


Evaluate multiple phenomes all at once, returning a list of fitness values.

By default this just calls self.evaluate() multiple times. Override this if you need to, say, send a group of individuals off to parallel

abstract worse_than(first_fitness, second_fitness)
class leap_ec.problem.ScalarProblem(maximize)

Bases: Problem

A problem that compares individuals based on their scalar fitness values.

Inherit from this class and implement the evaluate() method to implement an objective function that returns a single real-valued fitness value.

equivalent(first_fitness, second_fitness)

Used in Individual.__eq__().

By default returns first.fitness== second.fitness. Please over-ride if this does not hold for your problem.


true if the first individual is equal to the second

worse_than(first_fitness, second_fitness)

Used in Individual.__lt__().

By default returns first_fitness < second_fitness if a maximization problem, else first_fitness > second_fitness if a minimization problem. Please over-ride if this does not hold for your problem.


true if the first individual is less fit than the second


Combine a list of individuals by concatenating their genomes.

This is a convenience function intended for use with CooperativeProblem.

leap_ec.representation module

A Representation is a simple data structure that wraps the components needed to define, initialize, and decode individuals.

This just serves as some syntactic sugar when we are specifying algorithms—so that representation-related components are grouped together and clearly labeled Representation.

class leap_ec.representation.Representation(initialize, decoder=IdentityDecoder(), individual_cls=<class 'leap_ec.individual.Individual'>)

Bases: object

Syntactic sugar for some of the monolithic functions that conveniently combines a decoder, initializer, and an Individual class since those always work in tandem, but can still be loosely coupled.


Make a single individual.

create_population(pop_size, problem)

make a new population

  • pop_size – how many individuals should be in the population

  • problem – to be solved


a population of individual_cls individuals

leap_ec.simple module

leap_ec.statistical_helpers module

leap_ec.util module

Defines miscellaneous utility functions.

TODO we have two almost identical counters that could be consolidated into a single class.

print_list : for pretty printing a list when pprint isn’t sufficient.


This pipeline operator will add or update a “birth” attribute for passing individuals.

If the individual already has a birth, just let it float by with the original value. If it doesn’t, assign the individual the current birth ID, and then increment the global, stored birth count.

We don’t increment a birth ID in the ctor because that overall birth count will bloat due to clone operations. Inserting this operator into the pipeline will ensure that each individual that passes through is properly “branded” with a unique birth ID. However, care must be made to ensure that the initial population is similarly branded.


  • brand_population() to brand an entire population all at once,

    which is useful for branding initial populations.

  • brand() for explicitly branding a single individual


next_thing – preceding individual in the pipeline


branded individual

leap_ec.util.get_step(context={'leap': {'distrib': {'non_viable': 0}}}, use_generation=None, use_births=None)

Returns the current step of an algorithm using context. Will infer which to use if neither is specified with use_generation or use_births. If both are set to True, will raise an error.

  • context – the context from which the generations or births is taken from.

  • use_generation – an override to use generation.

  • use_births – an override to use births.

leap_ec.util.inc_births(context={'leap': {'distrib': {'non_viable': 0}}}, start=0, callbacks=())

This tracks the current number of births

The context is used to report the current births, though that can also be obtained by inc_births.births()

This will optionally call all the given callback functions whenever the births are incremented. The registered callback functions should have a signature f(int), where the int is the new birth.

>>> from leap_ec.global_vars import context
>>> my_inc_births = inc_births(context)

Each time we call the object, the birth count is incremented and returned:

>>> my_inc_births()
>>> my_inc_births()
>>> my_inc_births()

The count can be viewed without changing it like so:

>>> my_inc_births.births()

And decremented like so:

>>> my_inc_births.do_decrement()
  • context – will set [‘leap’][‘births’] to the incremented births

  • start – if we want to start counter at a higher value; e.g., take into consideration births of an initial population

  • callbacks – optional list of callback function to call when a birth numberis incremented


function for incrementing births

leap_ec.util.inc_generation(start_generation: int = 0, context={'leap': {'distrib': {'non_viable': 0}}}, callbacks=())

This tracks the current generation

The context is used to report the current generation, though that can also be given by inc_generation.generation().

This will optionally call all the given callback functions whenever the generation is incremented. The registered callback functions should have a signature f(int), where the int is the new generation.

>>> from leap_ec.global_vars import context
>>> my_inc_generation = inc_generation(context)
  • context – will set [‘leap’][‘generation’] to the incremented generation

  • callbacks – optional list of callback function to call when a generation is incremented


function for incrementing generations


True if obj is a flat collection (as opposed to, say, a hierarchical list of lists).

>>> is_flat((0, 1))
>>> is_flat(1)
>>> is_flat([(0, 1), (0, 1)])

obj – that we want to determine is a generator


True if obj can use next(obj)


True if obj is a test_sequence

Cribbed from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2937114/python-check-if-an-object-is-a-sequence?lq=1

E.g., used to determine if gaussian mutation has a single specified standard deviation, or a vector of standard deviations.

>>> is_sequence(0.5)
>>> is_sequence([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])

Return a string representation of a list.

This uses __str__() to resolve the elements of the list:

>>> from leap_ec.individual import Individual
>>> import numpy as np
>>> l = [Individual(np.array([0, 1, 2])),
...      Individual(np.array([3, 4, 5]))]
>>> print_list(l)
[Individual<...> ..., Individual<...> ...]

As opposed to the standard printing mechanism, which calls __repr__() on the elements to produce

>>> print(l)
[Individual<...>(...), Individual<...>(...)]



leap_ec.util.print_population(population, generation)

Convenience function for pretty printing a population that’s associated with a given generation

  • population

  • generation




Wraps and curries in conjunction, so the function signature remains.

Module contents

leap_ec.leap_logger_name = 'leap_ec'

The environment variable we use to signal that our test harness is being run.